Leadership Board

Leadership Board

The Leadership Board brings together the CIOs of the very largest companies to consider the particular issues they face, including the challenges of globalisation. Membership is by invitation and is strictly limited.

The Leadership Board was established in 2002 within the aegis of CIO Connect and provides a unique opportunity for the very top CIOs based in the UK to meet on a regular basis under ‘Chatham House rules’ to debate and network together.

To ensure the development of a cadre of people prepared to come together on a regular basis, membership is personal. Those joining are expected to make every endeavour to attend meetings – three per year. Dates are set a year in advance to take account of the need for members to plan ahead because of busy schedules.

The services offered and the format for the Board are very similar to those for CIO Connect as a whole, to which Leadership Board members also have full access. Issues considered so far have included:

  • The changing role of the CIO and future leadership demands.
  • Successful management of the supplier relationship.
  • Transformational change management.
  • Effectiveness of IT investment.

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