About Us

About CIO Connect

Information technology is today at the heart of company operations and the biggest driver underpinning new business opportunities. The business media is full of commentary on the possibilities and challenges it brings, which has now become a frequent discussion topic at Board level. Never has the need for technology leadership been greater to ensure that companies embrace the future and ride successive waves of innovation effectively.

Sitting at the centre of this is the CIO – exercising a pivotal role in bridging the requirements of business and the world of technology, interpreting trends and working with colleagues to deliver novel strategies and solutions. In many cases this is a global role with implications for delivering consistent solutions across widely varied geographies and cultures.

Living in the information age has changed dramatically the perception and positioning of information technology within today’s modern companies. This has in turn led to a new breed of key individuals able to harness and manage this burgeoning technology in a business context. CIO Connect is their forum of choice.

Knowledge sharing amongst senior IT executives
Working in a continuously changing environment of growing complexity with constant time pressures is not easy. What is needed is an opportunity to stand back: to meet with peers in the right surroundings to compare and discuss strategies, current challenges and emerging ideas. Allied to this is the need to find effective and time efficient ways to gain the information and insights needed to take the right decisions within your business.

CIO Connect is a highly successful forum and networking organisation for those leading technology-based change within major companies. Membership is drawn by invitation from companies representing all major sectors and provides CIOs with an opportunity to come together on a regular basis in a non-competitive environment to discuss topical issues.

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